hello, my name is

Juliana Zlatevski

I'm a software engineer in Fargo, ND

As a full stack developer with a strength in the frontend, I build elegant + performant applications by fusing my aesthetic sensibilities with my programming skills.

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about me

Hello! I'm Juliana, a software engineer based in Fargo, ND.

I'm a digital marketing aficiando-turned full stack developer. My goal is to create highly efficient, user-focused applications that deliver an impressionable user experience.

Aside from writing code, I enjoy playing bass, gaming + trying to to wrap my head around astrophysics.

Technologies I'm currently working with:

  • React
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • Python
  • Django
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Express
  • HTML + CSS

> check out my recent projects


some of my recent projects

Project Details:


A place to share photos that isn't clouded by likes, comments, shares, or follower counts. For those who just want to post something for the sake of putting it out into the ether and only that.

Python | Django | PostgreSQL | Bootstrap

Project Details:

Project Zero

A simple game built using vanilla JavaScript with plenty of custom CSS. Help your alien friend live a full life. Make sure your pet doesn't get too hungry, too sleepy, or too bored.

JavaScript | CSS | jQuery

Project Details:


A travel community app where users can share their experiences and tips for places they have traveled to. App includes authentication as well as full CRUD capabilities.

Python | Django | PostgreSQL | Materialize


get in touch

DEV Skills + Languages

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, jQuery, React, Python, PostgreSQL, Django, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Node.js, Bootstrap, Materialize, AJAX

Management + Deployment

Git, GitHub, Heroku, CLI, Slack, Trello


Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, MVC, RESTful APIs, Auth, Responsive Design